We at VIVEK ENGINEERS always put meticulous efforts to provide quality products to our clients . Keeping in mind the perfect blend of quality and innovation we introduce AIRPORT CORPORATION as the latest addition to our products range.
Airpot Corporation is the world's leading manufacturer of ultra low friction, super-responsive pneumatic piston and cylinder motion dampers and actuators. Their unique seal-less construction and combination of materials allow unsurpassed longevity, high cycle rates without lubricants, smooth operation at extreme temperatures, and instrument quality performance for low to medium force and energy levels.
Application Areas:
- Damp Motion
- Actuate with Air or Vacuum
- Piston Position sensing
- Apply a Precise Force
- Pump or Pulse Air
- Sense/ Indicate/ Relieve Pressure
- Make Your Own Device
Please click on the below link to download the product catalog for the same: